Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Secrets of the Mediterranean Diet Unveiled

The many health benefits of vegetables, fruits, legumes, fish and nuts, all of which are part of the Mediterranean Diet, have been discussed by nutritionists at length. This traditional diet of Greece, Italy, Crete, and of all the sixteen countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, where heart protective olive oil (a monounsaturated fats) is a main staple, focuses little on red and meats in general.

When the Western diet was compared to the Mediterranean diet in the Lyon Diet Heart Study, those people who consumed a Mediterranean diet experienced a 50% to 70% lower risk of repeat heart attacks than those on a Western diet. Also, according to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health the benefits for people following a Mediterranean diet were a 25% lower death rate. This type of eating pattern, emphasizing vegetables, fruits, beans, fish and nuts, foods which are filled with antioxidants, might reduce the rates of heart disease and cancer.

Although this diet is higher in fat than what is currently recommended by the American Heart Association, these fats, found particularly in olive oil, are very healthy monounsaturated fats, which decrease blood cholesterol levels and protect the heart.

In general Mediterranean countries also tend to lead an active lifestyle, consume red wine with meals and have an extensive social support system.

These are all the secrets of the Mediterraneans, are you ready to try it?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A healthier you!

Hi there,

here I am again. Did you know that living a healthier lifestyle could prevent 40% of diseases and cancer in later life? It is never too late to start a healthier life since usually cancer may take up to 20 years to develop.

So why don't you start right now? Are you sipping a coke while you are reading this? Or, are you eating a chocolate bar right now? What is next to you, a bottle of water or a fizzy drink? So why don't ypu follow these positive steps for the next week or so and see how you feel? If you feel better, and I garantee you will, then you will have to believe me.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, avoid canned fruits and vegetables with added sugar or salt;
  • Snack on fresh or dried fruits, replace crisps with chopped raw vegetables;
  • Add chopped fresh fruit to your breakfast cereals;
  • Fill 2 thirds of your plate with vegetables, they are filling and low in calories;
  • Are you hungry? Try a glass of water first, our body confuses hunger with thirst;
  • Always read food labels and choose foods low in fat, salt and sugar. Choose foods with no more than 3g of total fats and with no more than 1.5g of saturated fats. Also, do not consume foods with more than 0.1g of sodium.

Well, I know that I have given you a lot of rules and points to follow, but if you can just start with one rule per day you will see how your life will change. Till next time...