Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Wake Your Metabolism Up!

Image cannot be displayedYour metabolism is the key to maintaining a healthy weight. Therefore if your sluggish metabolism is a result of poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle you need to boost your metabolism back to normal.

There are "two things" that you should do in the morning to boost your metabolism throughout the day:

  • Exercise: it is the best way to kick-start your metabolism. Research shows you can actually burn more calories throughout the day by exercising in the mornings. Morning exercise also gets the blood flowing to your brain, helping you to feel more alert throughout your day. Do your exercise at awakening on an empty stomach

  • Eat breakfast: by skipping breakfast you are missing the first opportunity of the day to jump-start your metabolism. Have a healthy breakfast 30min after your morning exercise

Try it, it really works!!


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