Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Golden Rules of Nutrition Part 2

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Hi there,

I hope that you have put the first five rules into practice. Now, are you ready for the next five "Golden Rules of Nutrition"?

Here they are:
  • Eat fresh fruit preferably on its own as a snack

  • Alternatively to the salad at the start of a meal, drink ½ glass of water with ½ squeezed lemon ½ hour before meals

  • Decrease all simple carbohydrates to no more than 3 times a week (white pasta, white bread, biscuits, cakes, white rice, and white cereals-based meals) and increase all complex carbohydrates (brown rice, brown pasta, fruits and vegetables)

  • Eat bananas, grape, parsnip, potatoes and tomatoes in moderation

  • Increase good protein such as fish, white meat, eggs, beans and soy products and decrease or better avoid all dairy products (if you must, eat only low-fat dairy products no more than 3 times a week away from citrus fruits). Eat lean red meat, lamb or lean pork in moderation

See you in a week!

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